Term 3 Week 4 (11/08/2023)

What is On?
Monday 14th August - Stage 2 Basketball Gala Day
Tuesday 15th August - Confirmation- St Mary’s Church, Maclean
Tuesday 15th August- Dio Athletics - Coffs Harbour
Thursday 17th August to Friday 25th August - 'Book Fair' open: 8.30am-9am and 3.10pm-3.40pm - in school hall
Friday 18th August - School Awards Assembly
Wednesday 23rd August - Reconciliation- in Hall
Friday 25th August - Book Week Parade
Saturday 26th August - First Holy Communion- St James Church Yamba, 5:15 – 6:15pm
Monday 28th August - Mary MacKillop Performance, 1:45 – 2:45pm
Tuesday 29th August - Public Speaking Competition- School Final
Thursday 31st August- Pie Drive - more details to come.
Friday 1st September - Fathers Day Breakfast, 7:00am
Wednesday 6th September - Zone Soccer Netball Carnival
Monday 11th September - Public Speaking Competition Finals- Coffs Harbour
Friday 15th September - Touch Footy Gala Day
Thursday 21st September - Last day of term 3 for students
Thursday 21st September - Colour Run Stage 3 Fundraiser
Friday 22nd September - Staff Development Day
Can you help?
The books look great in the Book Fair but we need volunteers to run it. Can you give 1/2 an hour any day from 8:30am to 9:00am and/or 3:00pm to 3:40pm ANY day from August 17th- August 25th. Without a rosters of helpers we will struggle to open each day and this is a really important part of our " drive to build literacy for all"
Please let us know in the office if you have ANY availability.
Dear Parents and Carers
After a very busy week I have some news to share!
We have just completed our 3-day School Improvement Review to help plan the next 3 years of learning as school. It was a very interesting program and we heard some insights into our school. (Full report to come after it has been through Quality Assurance.)
37 children in Stage 3 offered to speak to the panel (a record number!) They were most articulate in their valuing of voice and agency. This will be reflected within the report.
All staff were interviewed and the feedback was that "all staff are committed to the learning of all children and all staff knew how their role was important within the whole school agenda. "
A group of parent volunteered to speak with the panel and the feedback was that "the parents at Saint James value the focus on improvement and are keen to support their children as learners. "
More information to come but I will take the feedback above!
The canteen is re-opening in the coming weeks. Mrs Carly Brash has accepted the position of Canteen Manager and will be working to make sure we have an authentic Green Canteen (as per the regulations) opening initially 1 day per week but let’s see how we go!
I did let all families know but if you missed it, we are also excited to announce Mrs Alanna Petersen as Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning from 2024 forwards. Alanna came with me to St James and is a bit passionate about learning.
Next week can we all be extra cautious using the front school access as the playground will be be built. Trucks, backhoes, and ... I am not sure what else but none of it will be safe for wandering children.
Have a lovely week
Sacrament Dates 2023
Confirmation- Tuesday 15th August - St Mary’s Church, Maclean.
Reconciliation- Wednesday 23rd August in Hall
First Holy Communion- Saturday 26th August, 5:15 – 6:15pm - St James Church Yamba
Colour Run News

AP Teaching and Learning
Gardening News
We have been harvesting our school garden and selling zucchinis to our school community. We are loving sampling the beautiful recipes that are being made.
Dolly’s Zucchini Slice
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
4 rashers bacon, rind removed and chopped
450g zucchini, grated
400g feta, crumbled
1/2 cup Parmesan, finely grated
Handful of parsley, finely chopped, stems included
Sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper
6 eggs
1 cup SR Flour
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Heat oil in a large frying pan over high heat. Add the onion, bacon and garlic and food for five minutes or until light golden. Place in a bowl with the zucchini, feta, Parmesan, parsley, salt and pepper and mix to combine. Place the eggs and flour in a separate bowl and mix well. Add to zucchini and mix to combine. Spoon into a lightly greased 20x30cm tin lined with baking paper. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Cut into slices to serve. Delicious warm or cold. Can be frozen up to three months.

Mrs Forde's Zucchini Soup

Stage 3 News
This term, Stage 3 have been working hard on an integrated English and Science unit. Students have identified a problem in the community, researched the problem, written an information report, designed a solution and created/ made a prototype to their solution. We have some future entrepreneurs among us with some great design ideas including- a cyclist shirt with lights, so they can be more visible on our roads, a sport shoe with interchangeable soles, a podcast about the effects of video games, a machine that cleans up rubbish on the beach, an inclusive netball uniform and a rescue board with a motor to assist the surf lifesavers-just to name a few.

Basketball Gala Day
On Monday 7th August, Stage 3 participated in a basketball gala day at the Raymond Laurie Sports Centre. It was a wonderful day and the students were able to participate in multiple games against a variety of schools. Our students enjoyed connecting with children from across the Clarence Valley. We were particularly proud of the sportsmanshsip shown by our students.

Sport Dates 2023
Term 3
Stage 2 Basketball Gala Day - Monday 14th August
Dio Athletics - Tuesday 15th August- Coffs Harbour
Zone Soccer Netball Carnival - Wednesday 6th September
Touch Footy Gala Day - Friday 15th September
Term 4
Polding Atheltics - Friday 13th October
Dio Summer Sport Trials -Friday 24th November - Lismore
Joey Byrne – 15th August, Hope Homewood – 17th August, Ori Salisbury – 17th August, Marlie Zvator – 17th August, Maeve Mortimer – 18th August, Jonas Collins – 20th August, Eamon Mawn – 21st August, Ashton Miller – 21st August, Athena Pattas – 23rd August