Term 1 Week 10 (5/4/2024)

What is On?
Tuesday 9th April - Zone Cross Country - McAuley Catholic College, Grafton
Tuesday 9th April -McAuley Catholic College - Open Night (flyer below)
Wednesday 10th April - Catholic Schools Week Liturgy in hall, 10am followed by open classrooms and morning tea.
Thursday 11th April – Friday 12 April 2024 - PSSA Swimming
Thursday 11th April - School Awards Assembly
Thursday 11th April- ANZAC DAY - Call of the Fallen 10:30 – 11:30am
Thursday 11th April- Last day Term 1, 2024 for students
Friday 12th April 2024 - Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day
Term 2
Monday 29th April - Staff Professional Learning Day - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 30th April - First day for students Term 2
Friday 10th May - Mother's Day Morning (more details to come)
Tuesday 21st May 2024- Dio Cross Country - Grafton
Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Netball Schools Cup - Maclean
Thursday 30th May - Proclaim - Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 12th June 2024- Athletics Carnival - Yamba
Monday 17th June - Confirmation - St Mary’s Church, Maclean. 5:00pm
Thursday 4th July - Last Day Term 2 for students
Friday 5th July - Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day
Dear Parents and Carers
I have been privileged this week to travel on The Road to Emmaus (explanation below).
I have been lucky to take this journey with the Assistant Principal Mission - Renee and Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning - Alanna. On this journey in fellowship with Marty Scroope we have returned to the reason that Catholic schools exist, The faith Story celebrated at Easter. Our purpose? Your children, our community, one another. Next week is Catholic Schools Week, there in a broader sense we celebrate our trust, Our joy and our purpose.
See you somewhere next week.
Sport News
Polding Swimming
On Wednesday 3rd April Lola, Clarry, Sanne and Deja competed at the Polding Swimming Championships in Homebush, Sydney. While back at school the classrooms were buzzing with the live stream on our screens and the kids cheering on their peers. Congratulations on a fantastic effort!
Deja- 6th 100m Freestyle, 6th 50m Breastroke, 9th 50m Freestyle
Sanne- 11th 50m Freestyle, 9th 200m Individual Medley
Lola- 7th 50m Freestyle, 3rd 50m Breastroke
Clarry- 4th 50 Freestyle, 6th 50m Butterfly
Congratulations Lola! Lola will now be heading back to Sydney next week, to compete at the PSSA Swimming Championships representing the Polding team. We wish you the best of luck!

Zone Cross Country
The Zone Cross Country Carnival will be held on Tuesday 9th April at McAuley Catholic College in Grafton. We have 37 students heading to Zone- Compass notifications have been sent home to those who are eligible.
Kind regards
Tash Hancock
Sports Coordinator
ES1 News
Can you believe we are almost at the end of our first term in Kindy?! In English, we have been super busy learning our sounds and using these sounds to form words, both orally and in our reading and writing. We’ve also been practising our sight words, and are enjoying searching for these within our stories. In Maths, we have been learning about length and area, and we have been comparing and ordering objects based on their size. In Religion, we have been learning very special Bible stories, about The Washing of the Feet and The Last Supper - we loved sharing a special meal as a whole class last week to celebrate and remember Jesus! And in Creative Arts we have been following step-by-step instructions to complete directed drawings - we are so clever!

Sport Dates
Wednesday 3rd April 2024 - Polding Swimming-Sydney
Tuesday 9th April 2024- Zone Cross Country - McAuley Catholic College, Grafton
Thursday 11th April 2024– Friday 12th April 2024 - PSSA Swimming
Tuesday 21st May 2024- Dio Cross Country - Grafton
Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Netball Schools Cup - Maclean
Wednesday 12th June 2024- Athletics Carnival - Yamba
Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Zone Athletics Carnival- Coffs Harbour (note change of Date)
Friday 16th August 2024 - Dio Athletics Carnival
Maggie 8/4, Tippi 8/4, Jack 9/4, Heath 13/4, Taylah 13/4, Frankie 14/4, Jarrah 15/4, Layla 16/4, Elsie 19/4, Mrs Kelly 21/4, Harvey 23/4, Violet 24/4, Anthony 24/4, Cadence 24/4, Zahli 24/4, Remi 27/4, Skye-Leeah 29/4, Roscoe 29/4, River 30/4, Fionn 2/5, Hendrix 2/5, Christopher 7/5, Mrs Dougherty 7/5, Ralph 9/5
McAuley Catholic College - Open Night

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