Term 2 Week 2 (10/5/2024)

What is On?
Tuesday 21st May 2024- Dio Cross Country - Grafton
Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Netball Schools Cup - Maclean
Thursday 23rd May - DISCO (details below)
Thursday 30th May - Proclaim - Pupil Free Day
Wednesday 12th June 2024- Rugby Gala Day
Monday 17th June - Confirmation - St Mary’s Church, Maclean. 5:00pm
Friday 28th June - Athletics Carnival
Thursday 4th July - Last Day Term 2 for students
Friday 5th July - Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day
Dear Parents and Carers
Short message from me today!
Thanks to all the staff and students who helped prepare and hosted Mother's Day Morning.
I think I spoke to most famlies at the wonderful breakfast. I do not want to take up the time here... much to read from across the school below...
Read ON
Happy Mother's Day
RE News
2024 Sacrament Dates
Confirmation- Monday 17th June 2024, 5pm at St Mary’s Church, Maclean.
Reconciliation- Wednesday 4th September, 11:35am at school (Parents/ family members not required to attend this Sacrament).
First Holy Communion- Saturday 7th September, 5:30pm Mass at St James Church, Yamba
The order of Sacraments in the Lismore Diocese is:
Baptism, Confirmation (Year 3), Reconciliation (Year 4), First Eucharist (Year 4)
If you need more information regarding Baptism for your child, please contact the Parish Office in Maclean on 6645 1188 (Open Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday 9am-1:30pm).
If you would like your child to receive any other Sacraments, please contact Mrs Howland at school. For your child to receive any of these Sacraments they must first be Baptised.
If your child has received the Sacrament of Confirmation last year, they will be invited to receive Reconciliation and First Communion this year. All preparation is completed at school as part of Religion lessons.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Renee Howland
Assistant Principal- Mission

Mother's Day Morning

School DISCO
Details for the School Disco on the flyer below with a QR code to buy tickets.
Link to buy Disco Tickets:

Breakfast Club - Starting Monday 13th May
With community support we are going to launch a Breakfast Club at school. School children can access toast, warm milo and cereal between 8:30am and 9:00am, starting with 3 days per week starting in week 3. No booking is required.
Why? The evidence is overwhelming that eating before school/learning has huge benefits and we have long wanted to bring forth this agenda. I have been reading about this in educational literature of late and today I googled the issue.
The message is
If your child eats a healthy breakfast, they can concentrate on playing, learning, remembering and solving problems, because they aren't distracted by feeling hungry. This means that a healthy breakfast can help your child perform better at school.
No one has to grab a bite and no one is excluded from grabbing a bite. All are welcome.

School and Sport Leader's Photo Order

Stage 1 News
The Surfing History of Yamba
Last week, Stage One had the privilege of hosting Rod Dahlberg, a renowned surfboard shaper, who visited our classroom to share insights into his craft. The students were enthralled by his explanation of the surfboard manufacturing process and the evolution of shaping technology. Interestingly, modern advancements now involve a machine shaping the initial surfboard 'blanks' based on computer-entered dimensions, followed by Rod's meticulous hand-shaping to refine the board, significantly improving the production timeline. This encounter offered a fascinating glimpse into the rich history of surfing in our community.
The best parts…
“ I liked looking at the fibreglass (samples)” - Charlotte
“ The video about how the colour is added to the surfboards” - Bronte
“ When we could feel the foam (blanks)” - Noah
“ The video of the surfboard (glassing)” - Taura
“ The stickers he uses on his boards” - Kingston

Taura 13/5, Mrs Imeson 15/5, Tully 17/5, Finn 21/5, Ayva 23/5, Joseph 24/5
Sport Dates
Tuesday 21st May 2024- Dio Cross Country - Grafton
Thursday 23rd May 2024 - Netball Schools Cup - Maclean
Wednesday 12th June 2024- Rugby Gala Day
Friday 28th June - Athletics Carnival
Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Zone Athletics Carnival- Coffs Harbour
Friday 16th August 2024 - Dio Athletics Carnival