Term 2 Week 6 (07/06/2024)

What is On?
Wednesday 12th June- Rugby Gala Day
Monday 17th June - Confirmation - St Mary’s Church, Maclean.
Tuesday 18th June - Community Conversation#9 - Parenting For Postive Mental Health (see below)
Thursday 20th June - Eisteddfod Choir Maclean
Friday 28th June - Athletics Carnival
Thursday 4th July - School Awards Assembly
Thursday 4th July - Last Day Term 2 for students
Friday 5th July - Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day
Term 3
Monday 22nd July - First Day Term 3 for Students and Teachers
Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Zone Athletics Carnival- Coffs Harbour
Friday 16th August 2024 - Dio Athletics Carnival
Monday 2nd – Friday 6th September - Stage 3 Camp
Wednesday 4th September -Reconciliation in school hall
Saturday 7th September - First Holy Communion

Please use this link to book babysitting and provide numbers for pizza dinner.
Dear Parents and Carers,
The new sign had a lot of work to do this week! There were 72 children and 7 staff off site this week engaging in faith, community and sports activities.
As always the standard of representation in both effort and behaviour was reported on by the staff as being exemplary. The standards we expect do not change whether it is in the learning, on the playground or when representing beyond the gates. The children once more did all proud.
I have followed along on Instagram to catch how the events have rolled out. The staff are always working to make sure the whole community can have a sense of what school life looks like in 2024.
I had the pleasure yesterday of watching (online) the Polding Cross Country Championships in Sydney. Two of our current students and one past student competed in the rather chilly conditions. I am so impressed that CSNSW broadcasts all these events for our kids to see what it looks like. See results below.
Talk soon
RE News-Sacraments
On Monday our Confirmation candidates joined with candidates from St Joseph’s Primary, Maclean to attend a retreat day in Maclean. This retreat prepared candidates for their upcoming Sacrament of Confirmation and allowed them to consolidate all of their learning about Confirmation this term. We wish these students all the best in their final weeks of preparation. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held in St Mary’s Church, Maclean on Monday 17th June, 6pm.
Confirmation Retreat


The order of Sacraments in the Lismore Diocese is: Baptism, Confirmation (Year 3), Reconciliation (Year 4), First Eucharist (Year 4). All preparation is undertaken at school.
If you would like your child to receive these Sacraments, please contact Mrs Howland at school ASAP. We are currently finalising numbers for the parish office.
For your child to receive any of these Sacraments they must first be Baptised. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
If you are interested in your child/ren being Baptised, please contact the Maclean Parish Office on 66451188 Mon/ Wed/ Fri 9am-2pm.

Close the Gap
Another fantastic Close the Gap day was held on Tuesday at Grafton Race Course and 17 students from St James attended. Both Mrs Frazer and Mrs Ferguson were very proud of how these students represented the school. The purpose of this day is to educate and create awareness of the Close the Gap program to all youth within the Clarence Valley. The day encompassed aspects of all health, education, employment, justice and culture. Closing the Gap acknowledges the ongoing strength and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people in sustaining the world’s oldest living culture.
Here are some highlights from the students:
‘I liked challenging myself today” - Max
‘I loved the activities and the spray painting. I liked the band singing’ - Skye - Leeah.
‘I loved the NRL people and all the activities. I saw lots of other friends’ - Duke
‘Best day ever! I think today made a difference!’ - Dolly.

I completed our attendance data for last year in the Annual School Report last week. For the first time the percentage was below 90%.
Before I make the next statement can I note several things-
- we know there has been a lot of sickness during last year and everyone is more cautious about sending sick children to school and we thank you for that.
- post COVID all education systems have seen a dip in attendance data and school engagement.
-I know that families travel when work allows in a coastal holiday destination.
So to the difficult part- there are some significant emerging patterns where "going home sick when the learning is challenging " is a choice.
This is concerning. Learning is work, learning is challenging, if it isn't there is no learning.
Significant absences mean that learning confidence dips and the work is " hard " because the foundation learning has been missed and I know all staff re-teach missed material.
In light of all this the family of any student whose attendance is below 70% without a pattern of sickness or travel will be invited to a meeting to look at how we can work together to find solutions to this.
Several parents and I have already spoken about working together to keep the children onsite and we are seeing a improvement in confidence in learning and attendance. Thank you for your engagement.
Mini Vinnies- 2024 Annual Winter Appeal

As part of our Annual Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal we are collecting any warm blankets and clothing from our families. A box is located in the front office for anyone who is able to donate. This Winter Appeal will provide emergency relief to people at risk of and experiencing homelessness, as well as people in our community who are in need of warm supplies this winter.
We thank you for your support and generosity.
Bus Travel
Busways has asked that we communicate with all families the importance of everyone wearing a seatbelt when they travel to and from any school and on any bus. We will be inviting the bus company to come to school and do a "Safe bus travel" session for the children. Can we please ask all families to engage with all children regarding the safe use of seat belts on buses.
More information about the safety of seat belts is available at
Sport News - Great Cross Country results
Cross Country
On Wednesday 5th June, Jake and Iyla headed to the Sydney Equestrian Center to compete in the Polding Cross Country Championships. Both students represented St James and the Lismore Diocese with pride, demonstrating great sportsmanship and sheer determination. Jake finished in 9th place and Iyla finished 4th.
Congratulations to Iyla who will now head back to Sydney to compete in the PSSA Cross Country Championships in July!

Please note that due to the long weekend there will be no Auskick Program on Monday 10th June. The program will re-commence on Monday 17th June, with the final session being held on Monday 24th June.
Kind regards
Tash Hancock
Sport Coordinator
Stage 1 News
In English we have been learning about how authors use figurative language, like similes and metaphors, to convey meaning. Here are some fantastic writing samples from students:
The sun was playing hide and seek with the clouds - Billy
The handball was dancing in my hand - Joey
The fire was hungry for more wood - Grace
That pencil is as stealthy as a ninja - Noah
My mum is as beautiful as a diamond - Hailey
The popcorn wanted to run away - Rudy
We have also been learning about the skill of note-taking. We have been enjoying watching information videos, taking quick notes then sorting our information into graphic organisers. We are currently experts on the Chinstrap Penguin and Bowerbirds!
In Religion, we have been listening and responding to the story of Pentecost. We have been learning about Jesus’ instruction to spread the Good News and we have been exploring the symbols of the Holy Spirit. We love using our storytelling bag to retell bible stories to our friends in class. Ask us to retell the story of Pentescost at home with you!
Liv and Aria work samples:

In Drama we have been learning about the skills of good performers.
We are beginning to look at storytelling and are practising the skills of good storytelling such as using our voice, facial expressions and body movement.
We are building up these skills so we can use our words and actions to tell a story that encourages the listener’s imagination.

Arabella 31/5, Mrs Cason 31/5, Cleo 4/6, Reevan 7/6, Jacob 8/6, Ava 9/6, Liam 12/6, Lachlan 13/6, Charlotte 14/6, Lyla 14/6, Lewis 15/6, Navah 19/6, Lucee-Mae 22/6, Vinnie 27/6, Hattie 28/6, Ruby 29/6, Ella 29/6, Nixon 30/6
Sports Dates
Wednesday 12th June 2024- Rugby Gala Day
Friday 28th June - Athletics Carnival
Tuesday 23rd July- NSW Cross Country Championships
Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Zone Athletics Carnival- Coffs Harbour
Friday 16th August 2024 - Dio Athletics Carnival