Term 3 Week 1 (26/07/24)

What is On?
Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Zone Athletics Carnival- Coffs Harbour
Tuesday 30th July - 'Wildfire' visit- Feast Day Celebration
Tuesday 30th July- Community Conversation #8
Thursday 1st August - Meerkat production 2pm in school hall - see COMPASS events
Friday 2nd August - Green and Gold Day! Olympic Game Dress Up
Monday 5th August - Willy Wagtails preschool visit
Tuesday 6th August - Stage 3 Presentation Night
Friday 9th August - Zone Soccer and Netball Knockout - Yamba
Friday 9th August - ES1,100 Days of School
Wednesday 14th August to Wednesday 21st August - Book Week
Friday 16th August 2024 - Dio Athletics Carnival
Friday 16th August - First Day of Little J's
Tuesday 20th August - Book Parade - Dress up as your favourite book character! - 9am
Thursday 22nd August - Awards Assembly
Monday 26th August - S3 Basketball Gala Day
Thursday 29th August - S3 Girls AFL Competition
Friday 30th August- Father's Day Breakfast 7-9am
Monday 2nd September - S2 Basketball Gala Day
Monday 2nd September– Friday 6th September - Stage 3 Camp Lake Ainsworth
Wednesday 4th September -Reconciliation - school hall
Saturday 7th September - First Holy Communion
Tuesday 10th September - Public Speaking School Finals - in hall
Friday 13th September - Polding Athletics
Tuesday 17th September– Sydney University Centre For Creativity Visiting
Monday 23rd September - Public Speaking Finals - Coffs Harbour
Thursday 26th September - Awards Assembly
Thursday 26th September - Last day of Term 3 for students
Friday 27th September - Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day
Term 4
Monday 14th October - Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 15th October - First Day Term 4 for students
Wednesday 11th December 2024 - End of Year Awards at Yamba Bowling Club
Tuesday 17th December - Year 6 Graduation dinner at Yamba Golf Club
Tuesday 17th December - End or Year Mass
Wednesday 18th December - Last day Term 4
Dear Parents and Carers
The calendar looks like a diverse school again for the term!
We have had a lovely start to the term with our S3 Boys AFL on Tuesday, NAIDOC celebrations on Wednesday, and Feast Day yesterday. The actual celebration is next Tuesday while some of the school (35 chn and several staff) are out at the Zone Athletics. It will be a great day.
If you look above you will see lots of opportunities to join us to see ... lots!
Please come on in to be part of our community, have a voice and to make sure the children know how important the connection between family and school is for success in the learning and community agenda.
Read on
Lots to get invloved in!
RE News
July 25th marks the Feast of St. James the Apostle, a day of great significance for our school as he is our Patron Saint. We will celebrate this special occasion next Tuesday, 30th July, with the Lismore Proclaim band, Wildfire. The celebration will include class workshops focusing on music, worship, and prayer centred around St. James the Apostle. The day will culminate in a whole school liturgy at 2:10pm in the hall. We warmly invite parents and families to join us for this liturgy and celebrate together!

Renee Howland
Assistant Principal Mission
NAIDOC Celebrations
NAIDOC celebrations were held on Wednesday 24th July.

We have had the best Wednesday ever, with our NAIDOC celebrations. We welcomed our Yaegl Elders, our the local community and Saint Joseph's, Maclean to Saint James to think, to listen and to Keep The Fire Burning"". Aunty Lenore offered an amazing Welcome to Country, focusing on respect. Uncle Ferlin offered a Smoking Ceremony. The Aboriginal Dance Troupe from McAuley College presented a contemporary dance (lots of past students from our schools were back!) and the Aboriginal Medical Service supported the day with activities and fruit!
Can I thank our parents who BBQ éd and ran the canteen as well as the students from McAuley who stayed all day to make sure we had a fabulous day.
Thank you to all who supported us in celebrating such a significant day. Staff from both schools were fabulous!
Community Conversation #8
All are welcome. Please come to join us in having voice in the agenda for the school.
5:30pm- Pizza dinner
6:00pm - Conversation
7:00pm- Home!
Babysitting provided. Please RSVP with the link below.
Sport News
NSW PSSA Cross Country Championships
On Tuesday 23rd July, Iyla competed in the NSW PSSA Cross Country championships at the Sydney Equestrian Centre. Iyla competed in the 10 year old division running 2km with a time of 9:07, placing her 47th overall! Well done Iyla!

Yamba AFL Competition
On Tuesday 23rd July the St James’ Boys AFL team headed to the Angourie Sports Fields to play against Yamba Public School. This day was organised due to the Paul Kelly Cup in Term 2 being cancelled. We had such a great day improving our skills and playing 2 games against YPS. The boys skills have improved immensely and a great day was had by all!
Our Girls AFL Team will head to Maclean to play Iluka Public School on Thursday 29th August. Further details will be sent out closer to the time.

Tash Hancock
Sports Coordinator
Radio - Stage 3
Stage 3 radio announcers today at TLCFM were Rashad, Ashton and Duke! Tune on Fridays from 11am 93.5FM.

Mini Vinnies- 2024 Annual Winter Appeal

Mini Vinnies- 2024 Annual Winter Appeal
As part of our Annual Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal we are collecting any warm blankets and clothing from our families. A box is located in the front office for anyone who is able to donate. This Winter Appeal will provide emergency relief to people at risk of and experiencing homelessness, as well as people in our community who are in need of warm supplies this winter.
We thank you for your support and generosity.
Sport Dates
Tuesday 30th July - Zone Athletics Carnival- Coffs Harbour
Friday 9th August - Zone Soccer and Netball Knockout - Yamba
Friday 16th August - Dio Athletics Carnival
Monday 26th August - S3 Basketball Gala Day
Thursday 29th August - S3 Girls AFL Competition
Monday 2nd September - S2 Basketball Gala Day
Friday 13th September - Polding Athletics