Term 4 Week 8 (6/12/2024)
What is On?
Wednesday 11th December 2024 - End of Year Awards at Yamba Bowling Club
Wednesday 11th December - Canteen - Hot Dog Day (see flyer below)
Tuesday 17th December - Year 6 Graduation dinner at Yamba Golf Club
Tuesday 17th December - End or Year Mass and Spirit of St James Run
Wednesday 18th December - Last day Term 4
Term 1 2025
Friday 31st January - Staff Administration Day - Pupil free day
Monday 3rd February - Staff Professional Learning Day- First Aid- Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 4th February - First Day for Stage 1 to Stage 3
Thursday 6th February - Swimming Carnival
Monday 10th February - First Day for Early Stage 1
Monday 24th February - Zone Swimming Carnival- Maclean (note change of date)
Thursday 10th April - Last Day Term 1 for students
Friday 11th April - Staff Professional Learning Day - On Country - Pupil Free Day
Term 2 2025
Monday 28th April - Staff Professional Learning Day - Learning Collaborative - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 29th April - First Day Term 2 for Students
Thursday 3rd July - Last Day Term 2 for Students
Friday 4th July - Staff Professional Learning Day - Foundation Day- Pupil Free Day
Term 3 2025
Monday 21st July - First Day Term 3 for Students and Staff
Friday 25th July- Foundation Day - Feast of Saint James
Thursday 25th September - Last Day Term 3 for Students
Friday 26th September - Staff Professional Learning Day - Curriculum - Pupil Free Day
Term 4 2025
Monday 13th October - First Day Term 4 for Students and Staff
Wednesday 17th December - Last Day Term 4 for Students and Staff
Dear Parents and Carers
We certainly started with a song, a dance and everything else that goes into a Just a Bit of Fun for Christmas! Here is the short list of thank you’s - any omissions are on me …so here goes!
#CC group -who planned, set up and ran the BBQ dinner on the night. I doubt anyone will mind if I mention that Kate Berger was “commander in chief” and thanks to the dads, mums and extended families who all helped.
Annie Commerford - who finished her lessons in Maclean and dashed down to play for the evening and who gave of her time generously over the past weeks to work with the staff to make sure live music was on the menu! The senior students who moved playground seating around and back over the week and assisted wherever they could - with good grace.
The collective staff who decorated the cola area for the performance, drawing on skills we did not know about… we do now!
The staff and children who worked hard to make sure each stage was represented and sounded fabulous.
Those parents who saw a need and moved chairs and such just because they thought it needed doing…
I cannot let the day go without sharing thanks for the community contributions to the giving tree. This outreach for our local St Vinnies is recognised as part of our school service for the greater good of others.
Thank you, one and all.
Also, as we go to print today, the year 5 students are giving their 2025 school captain speeches. As the year draws to a close, can I acknowledge the departing year 6 leaders who have shown the way admirably. Leading isn’t a popularity contest, it is about seeing the needs of others and we look forward in anticipation of a new group to fill these very big shoes.
Now announcing our school leadership team for 2025!
School Captains
Sarai & Austin
Turners Sport Captains
Duke & Ashton
Angourie Sport Captains
Jake & Sol
Pippi Sport Captains
Poppy & Rhaya
Canteen News - Hot Dog Day
Stage 3 News
We have been very busy in our English lessons looking at Persuasive text which has tied in perfectly to what’s been going on in Stage 3.
Year 6 created debates - arguing whether or not Tik Tok Should Be Banned and also Should There Be A Sugar Tax In Australia? Both debates were very engaging and thought provoking!
Year 5 worked extremely hard on writing their captain’s speeches, which were confidently and expertly delivered to our school community this morning. Well done Year 5!
We have wrapped up our REnew unit on People of Hope where the students created beautiful artworks of Mary as a person of faith and hope at The Annunciation.